Sunday, April 13, 2014

Thought - Feeling - Action - Consequence Spiral

I did not expect this, but I am declaring this post the second in a three (so far!) part series on emotions. Granted, this post isn't strictly on emotions, but emotions are most certainly critical to this concept.

The concept that is the Thought-Feeling-Action-Consequence Spiral is this: thoughts produce feelings that produce actions that produce consequences (that produce other thoughts, feelings, actions, consequences, et cetera). When our consequences are favorable due to (mutually) beneficial, non-harmful, and positive actions, our life can elevate and spiral upwards. When our consequences are unfavorable due to negative, harmful, and ineffective actions, our life can slip, stumble, and spiral downwards.

Once we become aware of the Spiral we can begin the process of sorting out and eliminating the ineffective and unclear thinking patterns that we've repeated throughout our life and implement patterns of effective thinking marked by increased clarity.

If you don't like the direction your life is taking then be a victor and change your mind (by changing your thought patterns)! Start simple and create momentum and sooner than later you'll be transforming the problematic mental patterns into productive and successful realities.

Please feel free to contact me as I would be grateful to assist you through transforming your reality.

with gratitude,

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